Life in this world has become relentless. So many typical concerns heap busyness and work to your days, from keeping up with your home to caring for your family.

But add in the mess of current events and concerns we’re all enduring? You’re dealing with way more stress than you need.

The amazing news is you can find peace even  as chaos swirls around you.

It’s time to step back from all the noise and find peace and rest for your soul. To help you get started, over the next week author Hilary Bernstein will email you each day with a Bible verse about peace, a brief devotional to help you hide it in your heart, and a printable Bible verse.


Once you sign up for a week of peace-filled devotion Hilary will send you weekly emails filled with encouragement, inspiration, and practical tips for your life and home.

“I love your emails so very much! They help A TON and are super uplifting. There is so much thought and care put in from each one of your emails it’s amazing!”

– Lindsey, email subscriber

Join more than 3,000 other haven creators and get Hilary Bernstein’s weekly emails delivered to your inbox. They’re filled with encouragement and practical advice!