The Best Strategy for Decluttering Your Home
Feel like you’re drowning in stuff? Here’s the BEST strategy for decluttering your home.
Feel like you’re drowning in stuff? Here’s the BEST strategy for decluttering your home.
Stop spinning your wheels and get your home in order with these four simple steps. Ever wonder how long it would take to get your home in order? A few years ago, I joked that if I sent my kids away for an entire summer,…
Need some productivity or peace in your day? It’s time to create a routine! Ever wonder what a difference a daily routine can make? I happen to have a strange love and hate relationship with routines. I love the idea of freedom – having unplanned…
Wonder why you need to disinfect your home? Learn why you should, along with how to do it, and 12 things you need to disinfect in your home. Ever wonder what the difference is between decluttering, deep cleaning, and disinfecting? For years, I thought that…
Wish you knew how to be a prepared homemaker? Start by stocking up on these 20 things! Over the past few weeks, a growing panic over the global pandemic has set in across America. The stock market keeps dropping, schools and businesses are closing, and…
Feeling like your home is out of control? Here’s what you can do when your home’s a mess. It’s happened again. You look around your house and … whoa. You feel tense just at the sight of the mess. If surfaces happen to be cleaned,…
Moving into a new home? Here are lots of tips and tricks that will help make your move smoother. Moving stinks. While it’s quite possible you’re very excited about your new home, the actual moving process is pretty awful. Who really wants to pack up…
Is your home messy … again? Never fear. Try a Homemaking Reset Day and enjoy the tidy results! It happened again. My once-clean house was messy. And not just in the “spend a couple hours tidying up” sense, but in the “I can’t get a…
Wish your home was a place that helped you feel peaceful and refreshed? It’s time to think about making a haven. Havens are important … and possible to create! After a long day of running from appointments to errands to meetings, not only was I…
Feeling like your home is out of control? Using a big picture perspective – and these 4 handy steps – will help you finally take control of your home! Isn’t it so easy to get trapped in the daily cycle of seeing a mess, feeling…
Ready for a home of your own? Here are 4 steps to make an easier transition to a home of your own. Finally living in a home of your own can be a really exciting transition. If you’re not sharing your home with anyone else,…
Need a clean house but have no time? By using a manageable cleaning approach, you can find freedom by ditching the “right” way to clean … and have a cleaner home! How many times a day do you stop yourself from doing something because you…
Feeling frustrated with a messy home? Here are a few ways you can bring peace – and order! – to your home every day. (It really is possible to get your messy home under control!) I don’t know if there are many things more frustrating…
Know you need to clean your house … but feel like you have no time? Try these handy tips to help create a cleaning plan that will work even on your busiest days! If you Google “How to Clean Your Home When You Don’t Have…
Ever wonder what to clean first? Or where to start cleaning in your home? These quick and simple housekeeping strategies will help! Reader question: What I struggle with the most is trying to find where to start in my day. More than anything, what do…
Tackle big homemaking jobs by breaking them into smaller ones. (This handy step-by-step guide will help!) Reader question: Can you please help me? I’ll start a big job in my home, then have to stop part way, then have a bigger mess, then I don’t…
Feel like your kids’ toys have overtaken your home? Don’t sweat it. Here are helpful tips on how to deal with the mess … and your frustration. Every parent knows that kids’ belongings have a scary way of multiplying like little else. Happy meal toys….
What is hygge? Here’s what you need to know about hygge … and why you’ll want it in your home. What the heck is hygge? How do you pronounce it? And why on earth would you want it as part of your home? If you’ve…
Ever wonder where to start cleaning? This quick and simple strategy will help! Have you ever walked into a room, fully intending to start cleaning it … but you have absolutely no idea where to begin? It used to happen to me all the time,…
Having trouble with planning a menu? You’ll absolutely love this simple 5-step meal and menu planning process! Food is essential to a haven. When you think of creating a haven by catering to your five senses, you can’t forget about taste. And meals are the…