99 Ways to Use Norwex

Wondering how you can use Norwex cleaning cloths? Here are 99 different ways to use Norwex!

Three years ago, I was introduced to Norwex cleaning products. As soon as I saw them in action and heard the explanation of how they work, I loved them. I knew I wanted to start cleaning my home safely with Norwex. That day, I bought my first Norwex products (blue and salmon colored kitchen cloths)..

Since that first day, I’ve tried almost every single Norwex cleaning cloth. I’ve done a lot of cleaning … so much so, that I have used my Norwex to clean 99 different things.

Wondering how you can use Norwex cleaning cloths? Here are 99 different ways to use Norwex.

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You can use Norwex to …

    1. Clean tabletops with a damp Enviro Cloth or Kitchen Cloth.
    2. Clean kitchen countertops with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    3. Clean refrigerator shelves with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    4. Clean the inside of your oven with a Spirinett and Enviro Cloth.
    5. Clean your stovetop with a damp Enviro Cloth, Scrubby Corner Cloth, Spirisponge, or All-Purpose Kitchen Cloth.
    6. Clean your kitchen sink with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    7. Clean your faucets with an Enviro Cloth.
    8. Clean the insides and outsides of cupboards and drawers with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    9. Clean your baseboards with a damp or dry Enviro Cloth.
    10. Clean switchplates with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    11. Clean doorknobs with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    12. Clean cutting boards with a wet Enviro Cloth.You can use Norwex products for at least 99 different cleaning jobs ... and the EnviroCloth is one of the most versatile products Norwex offers.
    13. Clean kitchen spills with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    14. Clean bathtubs and showers with an Enviro Cloth or Scrubby Corner Cloth.
    15. Clean toilet seats with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    16. Clean toilet bowls with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    17. Spot clean rugs and carpets with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    18. Spot clean tile, wood and linoleum floors with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    19. Remove stains on your upholstery with a damp EnviroCloth.
    20. Clean black boards with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    21. Clean white boards with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    22. Clean school desks with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    23. Clean computer keyboards with a wet or dry Enviro Cloth or dry Dusting Mitt.
    24. Clean piano keyboards with a wet or dry Enviro Cloth.
    25. Clean microwave ovens with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    26. Clean toasters and toaster ovens with an Enviro Cloth (and polish with a Window Cloth).
    27. Shine your oven with a Window Cloth or Envirotowel.
      Norwex EnviroCloths can be used in any room in your home.
    28. Clean your steering wheel with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    29. Clean shopping cart handles with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    30. Clean hands with a damp travel-size Enviro Cloth instead of using liquid hand sanitizer.
    31. Scrub dirt off outside windows with a wet Enviro Cloth.
    32. Clean greasy oven range hoods with a Spirisponge.
    33. Clean greasy, grimy fan blades with a damp Spirisponge.
    34. Polish granite countertops with an Envirotowel.
    35. Dry dishes with a dry Envirotowel.
    36. Shine mirrors with a Window Cloth.
    37. Wash and shine windows with a Window Cloth.
    38. Shine your stainless steel refrigerator with a Window Cloth.
    39. Clean window screens with a damp Dusting Mitt.
    40. Clean wood stairs with a dry Dusting Mitt.
    41. Dust your vehicle’s dashboard with a dry Dusting Mitt.
    42. Dust your cold and hot air registers with a dry Dusting Mitt.
    43. Clean car seats with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    44. Clean windowsills with a damp Enviro Cloth or damp Dusting Mitt.
    45. Clean toys with a damp Enviro Cloth or Kitchen Cloth.
    46. Clean pens and pencils with a damp Enviro Cloth or Kitchen Cloth.
    47. Clean restaurant tables with a damp travel-size Enviro Cloth.
    48. Clean walls with a damp Enviro Cloth or Kitchen Cloth.
    49. Clean up potty training accidents with a wet Enviro Cloth.
    50. Clean phones with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    51. Clean washing machines inside and out with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    52. Clean dryers with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    53. Clean dishwashers with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    54. Clean out pet cages with a wet Enviro Cloth.
    55. Clean out wastebaskets with a wet Enviro Cloth.
    56. Clean bathroom vanities with a damp Enviro Cloth.
    57. Wash dishes with a Kitchen Scrub Cloth.
      Norwex Kitchen Cloths and Towels can be used in any room in your home.
    58. Clean up greasy surfaces with an All-Purpose Kitchen Cloth.
    59. Remove burned on, baked on stains on cookie sheets with a Spirinett.
    60. Remove baked on stains on baking dishes with a Spirinett.
    61. Scrub out burned pots and pans with a Spirinett.
    62. Clean your fresh fruit with a Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth.
    63. Clean your fresh vegetables with a Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth.
    64. Scrub off soap scum with a Scrubby Corner Cloth, Spirisponge or Kitchen Scrub Cloth.
    65. Clean off hard water stains with a Scrubby Corner Cloth, Cleaning Paste, or Descaler.
    66. Wash your car with a Car Wash Mitt.
    67. Shine your car with a Car Cloth.
    68. Dry your hands with a Kitchen Towel or Hand Towel.
    69. Wash your body with a Body Pack.
    70. Wash your face with a Makeup Removal Cloth or Body Cloth.
    71. Remove makeup with a Makeup Removal Cloth.
    72. Clear your complexion with a Makeup Removal Cloth.
    73. Prevent diaper rash with a Baby Body Pack.
    74. Wipe babies’ sensitive skin with a Baby Body Pack.
    75. Dry your body with a Bath Towel.
    76. Dry your hair with a Hair Turban.
    77. Brush your teeth with a Silver Care Toothbrush.
    78. Clean your glasses with an Optic Scarf or Optic Cloth.
    79. Clean your TV screen with an Optic Scarf or Optic Cloth.
    80. Clean your computer screen with an Optic Scarf or Optic Cloth.
    81. Dust your furniture with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.Norwex mircrofiber can be used all around your home.
    82. Dust your railings with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.
    83. Dust your lightbulbs with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.
    84. Dust your lampshades with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.
    85. Dust your ceiling fan blades with an EnviroWand or dry Dusting Mitt.
    86. Dust your decorations and tchotchkes with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.
    87. Dust your wall hangings with a dry Dusting Mitt or dry Enviro Cloth.
    88. Dust cobwebby doorways and stairwells with an EnviroWand or Dusting Mitt.
    89. Clean window blinds with an EnviroWand, a Dusting Mitt, or an Enviro Cloth (wet or dry).
    90. Dust your ceilings with an EnviroWand or Dry Mop.
    91. Dust your floors with a Dry Mop Pad or Dry Superior Mop Pad.
    92. Mop your floors with a Wet Mop Pad.
    93. Mop your tile floors with a Tile Mop Pad.
    94. Remove lint with a Lint Mitt.
    95. Clean mattresses with Mattress Cleaner spray.
    96. Clean pillows with Mattress Cleaner spray.
    97. Clean pet hair off of furniture with a Rubber Brush.
    98. Protect mattresses from nighttime accidents with either a Dish Mat or Bath Mat.
    99. Prevent the spread of germs by using a Hand Towel or Kitchen Towel in your bathroom.

You can try any of my 99 ways to use Norwex … or you can come up with your own ways.

Norwex isn’t sold in stores, but you can order these products from a Norwex independent sales consultant you know.

Wondering how you can use Norwex cleaning cloths? Here are 99 different ways to use Norwex.

If you own Norwex products, what are your favorite ways to use Norwex?

Disclosure: I am not a Norwex sales consultant or affiliate. I just appreciate their products.


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  1. Out of all these, what’s your favourite Norwex product? I was thinking about getting the pack of 3 makeup cloths, but do I really need three? Maybe I could get something else and then get the free one with your special offer! But if I went that route, I’m not sure what I would pick!

  2. It really is amazing just how many things you can clean with just a couple of products. The Envirocloth and Spirisponge are my most-used products, but the descaler is practically miraculous with my crazy-hard water. And I love the veggie scrub cloth, too.

    My kids love them, too; it’s not unusual to hear things like, “good thing we have a Norwex cloth,” or, “man, we needed to have brought a Norwex cloth with us.” They each have their own travel-size Enviro in their purses. :)

    1. I have quite a bit of antique wood furniture. I clean it with a damp (well wrung out) Enviro Cloth and polish with the window cloth. I have been doing this for about a year and am still happy. Although I did do several test cleans on one of my less favorite pieces!

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