An Easy Way to Remind Yourself of Scripture
If you’re trying to hide God’s Word in your heart, there’s a very easy way to remind yourself of Scripture all through the comfort of your own home.
Years ago, I read about a mother of young sons who hung nautical pictures all over the walls of their home.
When her sons grew up, they became sailors.
The author explained that what you choose to hang on the walls of your house can be more important and influential than you may imagine.
Keeping that anecdote in mind, I’ve tried to be very intentional with the artwork I hang in my home.
I hang a lot of family photos. A lot. (I believe that family and a family’s history is important!) I’ve also tried to choose much more Scripture art to display.
I love how word art has become such a huge trend.
But instead of displaying phrases that are popular right now, why not choose God’s Word?
In Deuteronomy 6: 4-9, the Israelites were instructed:
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
The Israelites were commanded to keep God’s Word on their hearts. But how were they to do it? By thinking about it, talking about it, and being reminded of it all.the.time.
In today’s world of distractions, it’s vitally important to be reminded of God’s Word in our daily lives.
Like the Israelites, we can think about God’s Word and talk about it. We also can be reminded of it by giving ourselves visual reminders.
- Hang plaques over your doors – Joshua 24:15 (“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”) is a popular verse to display above an entryway.
- Frame prints of Scripture, and either hang them on the wall, or add them picture frames and display on end tables. (I have a small table beside our front door, and have a small framed print of Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God” – displayed. I absolutely love the visual reminder to be still because God is God.)
- Putting a framed verse on your nightstand can be a great reminder as you wake each morning and fall asleep each night.
- If you’re creative, add a verse of the week to a chalkboard in your kitchen.
Four benefits
When you display Scripture in your home, you’ll reap at least four obvious benefits:
- You’re visually reminded of the truth of God’s Word.
- Your family is encouraged to focus on biblical truth.
- It’s easier to hide God’s Word in your heart when you frequently see it.
- Even when you’re not verbally telling guests about Christ, your décor proclaims truth.
Finding Scriptural art
If you’re artistic, creating your own scriptural word art may bring you much joy – you can express your creative craftiness and display biblical truth that has a special meaning to you.
But if you’re not so craftsy (like me!), buying art is the way to go:
- Check your local Christian book store, local crafters, or shop online.
- I adore the artwork of Hope Ink, and P. Graham Dunn also offers some fantastic Biblical wall hangings. (I like their typography, as well as their chalkboard art and mini fence post art.)
- Also, look for possible Scripture memorization kits, like this gift box from Sunshine & Oranges.
If you’re trying to hide God’s Word in your heart, displaying Bible verses in your favorite kind of art is a very easy way to remind yourself of Scripture all through the comfort of your own home!
How do you remind yourself of Scripture in your home?
Disclosure: This post originally was published on August 25, 2015. I’m not an affiliate of any of the businesses mentioned in this post … I just think they’re great, and wanted to pass them along to you!
Images courtesy of Unsplash.
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You are spot on with this post! It is SO important to surround ourselves (and our families) with daily reminders of His Word! We are constantly being bombarded by societal message that conflict with or distort what the Bible says. The only way to balance/combat this is by going straight to the source! Another great source for Scriptural art is Mary & Martha (which is a division of DaySpring Cards.) These products are available through home Gatherings, or by shopping a Consultant’s website directly. You can see more through my Consultant site at
I love this! And it is so timely for me as I am working on a talk on God’s Word for my churches woman’s retreat next month. I had already planned on talking about God’s command to the Israelites in Duet 6 and was wanting to tell them about the Phylacteries with scripture in them worn by Jewish men on their foreheads and arms to remind them of God’s Word. This is a great current day application the ladies can take home with them so they have scripture reminders in their homes!
Absolutely beautiful!!