First Things First: How to Begin to Take Control of Your Homemaking
Want to learn how to begin to take control of your homemaking? Here are some simple but important ways to get started!
When it comes to homemaking, do you ever feel like you just don’t know where to begin?
- Maybe you grew up with a cleaning lady who came to your house every week, so you never had to learn how to clean.
- Or maybe you grew up and your mother was a homemaker, but cleaned things her own way, without explaining how or why.
- Maybe you have no idea how to keep a home, let alone create a haven.
While my mom was a homemaker who was happy to teach me some responsibilities around the house – dusting, vacuuming, washing windows, deep cleaning, and setting and clearing the table – once I was on my own, I didn’t have the faintest idea how to wash and or dry a load of laundry. Or even how to wash dishes by hand correctly.
And something as vital as setting my own cleaning schedule? I had no clue.
I had to teach myself, as a 20-something, how to keep my home. I consulted plenty of resources along the way – and even 20 years later, I’m still learning new tricks.
For example, in “The One Year Book of Amish Peace: Hearing God’s Voice in the Simple Things,” Tricia Goyer shares, “When hand washing dishes, I learned to wash glasses and silverware first because those things touch your lips and need to be the most sanitary.” I always knew to wash glasses first, but always saved my silverware for last. Not anymore!
I want to help other homemakers learn the basics. Whether you’re fresh out of college, a brand new stay-at-home-mom, or a homemaker who has been trying to manage a home for years, I’ll explain the basic hows and whys of caring for your home so that you’ll have an excellent handle on your home.
First things first
As we start together, I’d like you to take a mental inventory of your home. What areas do you have under control? What areas are definitely out of control? (If you’re a list person, write your thoughts down.)
Once you’ve made this assessment, don’t feel the weight of a million tasks that are all screaming to get done. If more of your house is out of control than under control, take a deep breath.
Remember, your home didn’t get that way overnight (OK … unless you’ve moved and everything was brought into your home in boxes on moving day and has stayed in boxes) and it won’t magically clean itself overnight.
Trust me. I’ve tried wiggling my nose and hoping for a Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo sort of experience throughout my house. It’s never worked.
This is going to take some work, but it will be worth it. Remember that this process will be filled with small steps. But if you keep making the small steps, you’ll be amazed with the results.
Taking the next steps
Once you’ve made your assessment and reminded yourself that it will be a long – but worthwhile – work in progress, commit to taking just 10 minutes a day to work on your home. I’m not asking you to clean anything just yet, but think about when you can fit 10 minutes in your days or nights.
Now that you know you will work around your home, figure out two to three cleaning chores you’d like to try every single day. I like to call them Non-Negotiable Daily Chores because they need to get done. And, if you think of them as non-negotiable, you’ll make sure you finish them.
Try your Non-Negotiable Daily Chores. Get into a rhythm when they become a normal part of your day. And as you’re mentally preparing yourself and creating a plan of attack, I’ve saved the best step for last: Pray.
- Pray over your home.
- Pick a different room each day and pray that you’ll be able to care for that space in the way the Lord wishes.
- Pray that the Lord will use each room for His glory.
- Pray that the Lord will help you – with energy, inspiration, and diligent work – to manage that room.
- Pray that He’ll give you insight to transform your home into a haven – for yourself and others.
As a quick recap, here’s your assignment for right now:
- Take a mental inventory of your home.
- Remember that your home won’t clean itself overnight.
- Commit to working on your home 10 minutes each day.
- Try working on two to three Non-Negotiable Daily Chores.
- And pray in each room.
These are the important first steps as you learn how to begin to take control of your homemaking.
Are you excited to learn how to begin to take control of your homemaking? If you’re committing to this process, please let me know in the comments below!
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All images courtesy of Pixabay and Adobe Stock.
- Getting Caught Up with All You Need to Do - February 3
- Welcoming The Tension of Tidy into the World! - January 28
- Becoming Content with Reality in Your Home - January 20
I’m looking forward to hearing more and reading future posts.
I’m looking forward to this series! I have realized in the past few years how little I know about the basics of cleaning. I never feel like my bathrooms or floors are ever really clean, I just wipe the dirt around!!
Really excited about this. Thanks, Hilary!
Hi! I’m really interested in learning how to take control of my homemaking.
I’m looking forward to learning some new tips to help me be a better homemaker
Thank you for having this
God bless
I am looking with great excitement to learn to get started taking back my homemaking skills! I love that this is starting out by praying! Great thanks for starting this series!
Oh how I need this. Love the praying over it. I can’t wait to get started. Let’s pray together that the lord will give us energy. When I get home from work I am mentally drained. We can do this ladies.
This can definitely help me! Looking forward to taking this on.
I am so thankful that I bumped into this. So looking forward!
Just discovered your website on pintrest. This was well timed as we moved right before the holidays. Looking forward to learning some wonderful organization tips.
Yes I’m so excited about this!
Awesome ideas to start. I plan to start this week.
Have just found this but excited to take control, which I’m finding hard to do now I’m working as well as all the things I did when at home full time.
I’m late to the party but sign me up for this. I always feel like I’m missing something and am never sure if I’m doing it right. I’m ready to learn.
Just found your blog and I am VERY interested!
I’m so glad, Debbie!
i really thought i knew how to clean my home boy, wasn’t I wrong in every room. Thanks Hilary.
Excited to get a hold on taking care of my home.
Glad to stumble across this post! As a homeschooling mom of 4 boys, I always feel like I’m drowning rather than sailing the ship so to speak with my homemaking, despite my efforts. Looking forward to any wisdom I can glean from your posts. Love your point on praying through each room – so important.
So glad you stumbled across my site! :)
Getting in a little late to the party…My whole house is out of control. I know how to do many homemaking tasks, but the process escapes me. I am so looking forward to embarking on this journey.
Me too! I am in. Hilary – I just wanted to tell you that I find your posts so encouraging, plus filled with practical tips that work.
Thank you so much, Amanda! That means a LOT to me.
I would lobe to learn more. Thank you.
Love to learn more. Thank you.
Great blog! Look forward to reading more!!
I’m committing! Boy do I need this!
I’m I’m interested in learning any tips and tricks that will help save time. Thanks for the blog!
I just found this site, and I can’t tell you how much of an answer to prayer it is! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. I can’t wait to read more articles.
So glad I ran across this. feel over whelmed and don’t know where to start?
I’ve been married for nearly 10 years now and for 10 years, I’ve been blaming my poor cleaning habits on how i was taught. I was taught how to do the individual tasks of cleaning, i was not taught why we should do them, or how to put them all together to make an inviting home. So when 5 kids came quick and close together, they only added to the mess (I love my kids, but let’s face it, kids are messy). You said here that you were taught what i was not and you still say you struggled putting it all together! This has been on my heart for the last few weeks that i need to get past this struggle. I can’t wait to start thru your lessons!
Hi Hillary! I just stumbled upon your site through Pinterest. I am a new mom and a new homemaker. Up until recently I have always worked full time outside of the home and I cleaned on the weekends. Now that i am a sahm I’m struggling to find my groove and schedule for housework. I do love for my husband to come home to a clean organized house with dinner being made bit sometimes i feel like I’ve worked really hard all day long and gotten nothing accompished. I was so happy to read your bog about homemaking and getting back in order in 2016. I look forward to continuing hearing your tips.
God bless!!!!
Hi I just found this on Pinterest and take my word for it. It could not have come at a better time. I’m excited to get started. Thanks.
I’m so glad!
Im so eager to learn! I cant wait!
2016 is almost finished, but I am interested in starting now and doing this for the next year. I’m looking… Umm, backward to this journey. ;)
This sounds lovely <3. While I kind of know what I'm supposed to be doing in my home, I often need extra motivational pushes to just do it. Excited to follow this series!
I am always looking for different ways to get things done. I am excited that this one starts with prayer, thank you!
I am ready to take control of my homemaking we are adopting 7 kids and we have 3 of our own. Having 10 kids I really need to learn new things . Thanks
May the Lord bless you as you take on the responsibility of raising 10 children, Crysta!
I like your ideas. I’m commiting to cleaning my home according to your plan. Thank you!
Thanks so much, Marie! I hope it will make a huge difference in your home!
Well, I’m a bit late to the party, but I am SO doing this! I’m easily overwhelmed and my entire home needs help. I hope this will help me make a home !y husband is glad to come home to and that !y son and enjoy spending our time in. Thank you for helping ppl like me who didn’t have the best upbringing on this area
I never thought to pray in each room before. Thank you so much for this idea! You asked what motivates me to clean and I definitely agree with you that inviting guests is the biggest motivation. But just imagining the area to be clean and beautiful also motivates me. I have areas that I continually avoid and am not sure why, but do feel there must be a psychological reason. Am still working on it. Thanks for your inspiration.