How to Remove Grease Stains from Carpet
If you need to remove grease stains from carpet it won’t be easy. But it’s not an impossible housekeeping problem – especially when you have the right tools!
In my home, my family has a shoes off at the door policy.
Not only does it help keep our floors clean, but it also helps keep contaminants out of our living spaces, since shoes can track in pesticides along with dirt and dust.
This summer, though, I broke my own rule.
After I finished running errands, I came home and started unloading groceries. Thinking it would be quicker, I ran upstairs – with my shoes on – to take our new stash of toothpaste and toilet paper to the bathroom.
After I finished putting our groceries away, I noticed there was a big black stain in the middle of our beige dining room carpet.
How did THAT get there?
I wondered if one of my kids tracked something in from outside. But when I looked closer, I saw it – black grease tracked from the kitchen to upstairs.
From MY shoes.
Somehow I stepped in grease during my errands, and I tracked it all across the tile in my kitchen and carpet in my dining room.
Don’t panic … clean it!
With only myself to blame, I thought I completely ruined our carpet. I knew I needed to try to remove as much of the stain as possible.
First, I picked up all the clumps of clay-like grease that were grinding into my carpet fibers.
Then I grabbed my bottle of Norwex Carpet Stain Buster. I hoped this would do the trick, so I sprayed, waited for it to work, and tried to scrub the grease stain away.
But the dark black grease stains did not disappear. In fact, they just got smudgier.
I started to panic, especially since my husband and children now discovered my problem.
Then I remembered my bottle of Unique Natural Products’ Carpet Shampoo and Stain Eliminator.
I’ve used the carpet shampoo and stain eliminator in the past — I first tried it three years ago for my Accidentally Green blog. I like how Unique Natural Products use enzymes, so I can clean my home naturally and safely. (I love not using harmful cleaning products!)
I grabbed my Unique Carpet Shampoo and Stain Eliminator, diluted the enzymatic cleaner in warm water, soaked a cleaning rag with the solution, and tried soaking the stained carpet with it.
Miraculously, I watched the grease stain get lighter.
I scrubbed again and again, grease splotch after grease splotch, and I watched them disappear – completely.
After all the scrubbing, the grease stains vanished and my carpet looked as clean as new.
A Unique solution to removing grease stains
I am so thankful I still had Unique Natural Products’ Carpet Shampoo and Stain Eliminator – and that I remembered to use it!
Now my carpet is good as new, I know what I can use for any future grease stains … and I remember to take off my shoes whenever I come in the door!
Have you ever needed to remove grease stains from carpet? How did you do it?
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Unique Natural Products. All opinions – and cleaning experiences! – are my own. Links in this post may be affiliate links. This means that, at no added cost to you, I may make a commission on products purchased through these links. Thank you for supporting this website!
Photos courtesy of Pexels, Pixabay and Hilary Bernstein
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