When You Need to Stop Striving On Your Own as a Wife
Getting tired out from striving on your own as a wife? Sounds like it’s time to stop.
Have you ever wondered what you could do to be a better wife?
Do you feel tired out from striving on your own as a wife?
Have you ever wondered how to find the energy to be a good wife?
Maybe you haven’t wondered how you can improve, but you feel like you just don’t have the energy – or the strength or the patience or the kindness – to love your husband as you should.
It’s completely normal to feel that way. Because you can’t love your husband as you should.
Left to your own attempts, you’ll never have the energy or strength or patience or kindness or love you need for your husband.
It’s only through His love that you’ll be able to love your husband as you should. Only through His power will you have the energy, strength, patience, and kindness to be the wife that you long to be.
As you rely on Him to transform you into the woman you were created to be, it’s important to remember that you can stop striving on your own. You can put your own efforts and energies to the side. Relax. You don’t have to go at this alone.
You don’t have to expect perfection. Instead, embrace grace. Don’t be afraid to admit your weaknesses to the One who created you. Pray for a changed heart, changed attitude … and pray for His help to make your marriage work.
As a wife, how are you relying on Jesus in your marriage? Do you need to stop striving on your own as a wife?
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All images courtesy of Unsplash.
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