How to Get Your Homemaking Back on Track
Feel like you need to get your homemaking back on track? This solution will help so much!
Ever feel like keeping up with your home is beginning to get out of control? (Or is it already gone?)
I’m there right now. This summer, I spent days purging my home. Everything was cleaned before vacation, and once we got home we had a month filled with company, so everything stayed company clean.
Then the school year began.
While I’ve added an afternoon house clean-up to my non-negotiable daily chores, my homemaking still has the uncanny ability to get out of control.
And now, seven weeks into the school year, I’m seeing the typical mess magnets in my home start to look scary again.
Those mess magnets? Both of my kids’ bedrooms. Our homeschool room. A closet I never cleaned this summer. On top of my microwave. The front of my fridge. The top of my nightstand. My linen closet.
The Homemaking Reset Day
I don’t want to let my house get out of control before my very eyes. I know I need to get my homemaking back on track. So I’m trying something new this school year.
I’m giving myself a homemaking reset day.
Here’s how it works:
For one day, I’m set everything else aside and focus on tackling those mess magnets.
And I’ve planned a homemaking reset day every six weeks.
In planning for one power cleaning day every six weeks, the daily maintenance cleaning should be easier. Taking one day to reset everything should help get my homemaking back on track.
In her book, Unstuffed, Ruth Soukup advocates setting aside a weekend as a family to do an intensive purge of your whole home. Since I’m not interested in purging my whole home right now, I can use the same principle in power cleaning. In a day.
Three cheers for simplicity
While I’m a huge fan of a simple approach and low-maintenance housekeeping, sometimes bigger jobs are needed. That’s why I deep clean my home twice a year. (It’s easier to do it in the spring and fall instead of just the spring … because there’s less to scrub!)
But when scrubbing’s not needed, and I just need to take care of the random bits of clutter that gather in the daily pace of life, the homemaking reset day is a perfect way to get my homemaking back on track.
If you’re struggling with getting homemaking or messes under control in your own home, try a homemaking reset day. You might be surprised at how much it helps!
When your home’s looking out of control, how do you manage to get your homemaking back on track?
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All images courtesy of Adobe Stock and Pexels.
- Getting Caught Up with All You Need to Do - February 3
- Welcoming The Tension of Tidy into the World! - January 28
- Becoming Content with Reality in Your Home - January 20
I have a recurring fantasy . . . I want to buy my own home (that nobody else in the family knows about or has access to) and keep it spotlessly clean, just the way I want it; and then when this house (that the family lives in and everyone has access to) is overwhelming, I’ll just go to my secret little hideaway and forget all about it . . .
But until then I have a routine, loosely based on FlyLady, that works for me: I’ve divided my house into zones of about 3 rooms each. Each week I tackle a new zone. Mondays I knock down cobwebs (we live in a log cabin, turns out, spiders love log cabins) in that zone; Tuesdays I dust that zone; Wednesdays I wet-clean that zone (basically a spot-clean wet-clean of anything that needs it); Thursdays I declutter at least one cupboard, closet, or drawer in that zone. Fridays I give the rest of the house a quick dusting, disinfect all the light switches and door knobs, and do the floors. Every day I do dishes, a load of laundry (usually), and a quick tidy. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I do the FlyLady “swish and swipe” in the bathroom. This routine allows me to stay on top of the housework. The zone work and daily chores take about 15 – 20 minutes a day; Friday’s longer; but this routine keeps the house pretty clean with minimal effort.
I should clarify that my zone dusting is different from my whole-house dusting. With my zone dusting I lift things up and dust under them and dust the things themselves before replacing them. With my whole-house dusting I just run a rag quickly over all the flat surfaces On Friday I usually also do a quick wet-clean which again is different to my zone wet-clean. With my zone wet-clean I’ll wash the windows; if it’s in the kitchen I’ll wipe down the cabinets and benchtops and appliances with all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant; etc. With my whole-house wet clean I’ll put a bit of cleaner on a rag and then quickly go over anything obvious.
I *LOVE* your fantasy, Becca! I had a home like that for four years … when I was single and living alone! While I was there I just wanted to fill it with a family, but years later I can appreciate the gift of that time.
We call this our ‘ketch-up’ day, get it? My children get excited because they know they will get corn dogs and tater tots for lunch ;)
Great idea!!! I set aside “get ‘er done days” to tackle my to-do list and all those errands and random projects. I need to try one just for working on the house!