12 Books to Add to Your Reading List This Year

Want to add some good books to your reading list? Here are 12 books to read this year!

Every January I resolve to read more books in the new year. Inspired by some bloggers and friends who vow to read at least 50 books a year (and actually do it!) I know I should do a lot more reading.

But realistically, I know I’ll never fit 50 books in. It just won’t happen. Realistically, I’ll be happy with one a month.

I’ve narrowed a list of books I’d like to read in 2018. Just to warn you, I’m a huge fan of non-fiction, so that’s what I naturally gravitate toward. (My fictional picks are mainly what I read aloud to my kids at bedtime.) For my limited reading time, I want to choose books that will make a huge impact in my life.

In the past, I’ve also shared my 7 favorite books for wives and 5 books about home that helped me create a haven.

In case you’re looking for books to read this year – to help you create a haven, or build into your marriage, become a better person, or to grow spiritually – here are a dozen I’ll read right along with you:

Homemaking & Haven Creation

The Lifegiving Table by Sally Clarkson

Welcoming family and friends for dinner is one of my favorite things to do in my home. I think it’s simply the natural outpouring of a haven. I’d love to learn Sally Clarkson’s secrets, and I’d love to continue to make dinners a natural daily highlight in my home.

The Lifegiving Table by Sally Clarkson

More Hours in My Day by Emilie Barnes and Sheri Torelli

I’m always looking for proven ways to organize my home, my family and myself … I think I should’ve read this book years ago!

More Hours in My Day by Emilie Barnes


Love Unending by Becky Thompson

Rediscovering your marriage in the midst of motherhood sums up everything about marriage and parenting that my friends and I have talked about for years. It’s also one of the top questions I get from my readers – how do I invest in my marriage now that my husband and I are parents!? Becky’s book is just what this world needs.

Love Unending by Becky Thompson

Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman

As a busy mom, I’d absolutely love to learn more about how my everyday ministry to my family fits into the grand plan of God. I know that it does, but I’d like to glean from what Gloria’s discovered.

Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman


Fresh Out of Amazing by Stacey Thacker

I’ve been eyeballing Stacey’s book for quite a few months, and finally bought it after Christmas. Because I’ve been feeling fresh out of amazing for a while, I know I need to read this. In just a week I’m about halfway through and loving all of it.

Fresh Out of Amazing by Stacey Thacker

Full by Asheritah Ciuciu

Asheritah’s my friend in real life, and I loved reading Full last year. Let’s just say I could use a reminder, though. The content is great, so needed, and I absolutely love the way she writes.

Full by Asheritah Ciuciu

Trim Healthy Table by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison

My husband and I are jumping on the Trim Healthy Mama bandwagon this year … and so far, so good! I’m digging into Trim Healthy Table and trying the recipes in an attempt to point my family to a healthier lifestyle.

Trim Healthy Table by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison

Spiritual Growth

Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliott

I asked for Keep a Quiet Heart for Christmas (and received it … yay!) after some of my friends kept mentioning how much they were learning from Elisabeth Elliott’s books. I’ve been a fan of hers for decades, so of course I want to read more of her writing. Already, this first few chapters of this book has helped my spiritual walk.

Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliott

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis

I love books that make me think. The Abolition of Man is such a meaty book filled with thoughts and truths to ponder … especially in this age of relativism.

The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

Speaking of meaty books, here’s another excellent choice for deep thinkers. I started rereading this classic last year, but I’d like to actually finish Knowing God in 2018.

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

The Gospel of John: A Simply Bible Study by Carmen Beasley

I started studying the Gospel of John with Carmen Beasley last fall at church … and I’m looking forward to continuing to glean so much spiritual truth from this study (and the Word!) this year.

The Gospel of John: A Simply Bible Study by Carmen Beasley


The Betsy-Tacy Treasury by Maud Hart Lovelace

Betsy-Tacy books were some of my all-time favorite books to read when I was a girl. Now that I’m a mom and my children are old enough to appreciate them, I’ve been reading my own copies to them every night at bedtime. Without fail they always ask to hear another chapter – or two or three!

The Betsy-Tacy Treasury by Maud Hart Lovelace

What are some books you’d like to read this year?

Need peace?

If you focus on all the messiness of life, it can be easy to believe that peace is elusive, if not impossible.

Yet you can experience peace in the middle of any situation. Really! Over the next week, Hilary Bernstein will email you each morning with a Bible verse about peace, a brief devotional to help you hide it in your heart, and a printable Bible verse.
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All images courtesy of Unsplash.


Need peace?

If you focus on all the messiness of life, it can be easy to believe that peace is elusive, if not impossible.

Yet you can experience peace in the middle of any situation. Really! Over the next week, Hilary Bernstein will email you each morning with a Bible verse about peace, a brief devotional to help you hide it in your heart, and a printable Bible verse.
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One Comment

  1. Oh, neat! The Betsy-Tacy books are on my reading list for the year, too! But they will be a first-time read for me. I’ve heard lovely things about the series!

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